The Program for Applied Research in Airport Security (PARAS) is an industry-driven, applied research program that develops near-term practical solutions to security problems faced by airport operators. PARAS is managed by Safe Skies, funded by the FAA, and modeled after the Airport Cooperative Research Program of the Transportation Research Board. Contractors conduct the research and are selected through a competitive proposal process. Open RFPs can be found here: Request for Proposals. Completed reports can be found here: Reports. Information regarding projects in process can be found here: Projects.

Projects are developed from Problem Statements submitted by industry professionals. Guidance for Preparing Problem Statements is located in Program Materials and provides information to help determine whether ideas may be a good fit for PARAS. The deadline for FY 2025 Problem Statement submissions is September 9, 2024. Research ideas can also be submitted at the link below.

Project Panels provide oversight for all PARAS projects. A Project Panel consists of approximately ten people, typically representatives from airports, consultancies, companies, academia, FAA or TSA, and other industry organizations. Panel Members are selected for their expertise and interest in the research area. PARAS will attempt to balance each panel across relevant disciplines. Those interested in serving on a Project Panel should complete the Project Panel Application and send it along with a résumé to the PARAS Program Manager. Although Project Panels are generally formed once yearly, applications may be submitted at any time.

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